Results for Online Service Support (13)

Check your coverage on your desktop On the Home screen, select Claims and Benefits > Check Coverage. Select the service or item that you want to check eligibility for. On the Service Details screen,

You can change your Multi-factor Authentication method at any time by following the steps below: Log into your Online Services Account.  Click the dropdown arrow to the right of your name in the top

There are currently two methods of multi-factor authentication you can select - phone or email. Sign-in to your Online Services Account and follow one of the authentication methods below: Selecting

To register your email as your username for log in please complete the following steps: On the log in page, you can either select 'Click here' or 'Register your account'. Enter details requested -

To register a second plan with the same email, please follow the steps below:  Click on ‘Register your account’. Enter details requested - email address, confirm email address. Click ‘Next’. A