Results for FAQs (91)

Yes, you can upload images or documents from your device for claims that require a confirmation of payment.  Before getting started make sure to scan or photograph your supporting documents to attach

Itemized prescription drug receipts from your pharmacist. Receipts must contain: Patient's name Date of service Prescription (Rx) number Drug name Quantity dispensed and, Drug Identification Number (

To check if you are eligible, select the “Am I Covered” option in the left menu and follow the steps to check eligibility. Continue reading below for more information. ONTARIO PURCHASE A standard CPAP

Yes, once you have signed into the secure portion of the app your session will timeout after 30 minutes. After 25 minutes you will receive a warning message, after 30 minutes you will be signed out

Download My Benefits from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Available on Android and iOS.